Sunday, July 27, 2008

George Clooney, Poolside

George Clooney, this generation's gritty Cary Grant, is rumored to have a place on Lake Cuomo in northern Italy. I like to believe that this image portrays Clooney at his Lake Cuomo Estate. I guess he's had enough of the ocean. You can see Clooney at his best in the goofy yet wonderful "Oh, Brother Where Art Thou" (Cohen Brothers, 2000) and in the moody "Michael Clayton" (Tony Gilroy, 2007). He was also good in "Out of Sight" (Steven Soderbergh, 1998) with Jennifer Lopez and in "Oceans 11, 12, & 13." I also liked him in "Solaris" and "Syriana."

Should anything happen to the UK and all of its subjects, I do believe George Clooney would be the frontrunner for any future productions involving James Bond. Just a hypothetical of course, wouldn't want to scare Ronnie UK.

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